Your Family Tree
The Strength
your Ancestry
as the foundation
for impressive Art
The Family Tree Painter
The Family Tree Painter

A warm welcome to our 'Family Tree' Artistry!

We love Family History.  The task of sorting, preparing and presenting your thoroughly researched family data in the form of handpaintings is what we do best. This is our esteem work.

Just seeing where we stemmed from and who our ancestors were, do make us conscious of our heritage and give us a sense of pride and security. That's what we believe in.

We are more than happy to help you put your family ancestry from generations giving each of them a worthy place on your family tree.

Have you already done most of the family tree research?

Then, let us show you how your family tree could look. Here are three simple steps:

  1. Send your data to our family tree studio and receive a NON-BINDING PRICE OFFER with our recommendation.

  2. After placing an order, we will prepare the FIRST DRAFT of your family tree painting in its original size for your review
  3. After you have review your design, we will begin PAINTING, of course taking into account any of your requests or changes.

Are you just starting your family tree research?

Come, let us inspire you with by our GALLERY! Find out by clicking GENEALOGY RESEARCH and learn how you could research on your ancestors step by step.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Geneology or Family Tree?

    The Geneology Tree (ancestors)

    The structure of your ancestry is precisely defined and remains the same. The current generation is depicted in the trunk and the previous generation in the treetops.

    See a more detailed description under -> Gallery

    The Family Tree (descendants)

    We usually start with the most distant ancestor. In the tree trunk is the ancestor from the past is depicted and on the treetops depict the youngest descendants, i.e. the living generation.

    See a more detailed description under -> Gallery

  • General Questions

    Please note that the word "family tree" is used here as a collective term for all types of genealogical representations.

    How big are the paintings?

    The size of the paintings depends on the number of people to be represented. The more generations depicted on the ancestry or a family tree, the more width is necessary.

    Can I have photos inserted?

    Yes, this is deinitely possible. It is enough if you are able to provide us with printed photos. You are more than welcome to send us digital photos by e-mail.

    Can I have our family coats of arms inserted?

    Yes, this is also possible. Per request, we are able to hand draw your family coats of arms. Or you could provide us a photo or digitalized photo of your family coat of arms.

    How much does a painting cost?

    The prices of each painting depends on the number of persons to be included and size of the painting. Since each family has its own framework, we calculate each project and prices individually. We guarantee a fair price for the quality handcrafted work.

    How long does it take to finish an ancestry or family tree?

    Depending on its size, it takes at least 6 months.

    Can I get a copy of my family tree?

    Per request, we can scan the painting and make it available as an art print. If you wish, you can order art reprints at the same time.

    Can I have my family tree directly painted on the wall?

    At the moment, we are sorry to inform you that this artistry service is not possible until further notice.

    Can I have future relatives inserted afterwards?

    This hand-painted family tree is like a snapshot. Any subsequent insertion of persons is not possible.

    How long is the warranty for the colors used in paintings?

    We guarantee as much light fastness as possible for all colours used. Nevertheless, we highly recommend not exposing the painting to direct sunlight.

  • Genealogy Research - where to start?

    Get some tips on the ancestry research page. Genealogy Research <- Click here!

  • Ordering Process

    Here are THREE simple steps to order your Family or Ancestry Tree:

    1. Make your Order
    2. You will recieve a confirmation, kindly proof your order carefully.
    3. Re-confirm with us on any changes and give your approval for project to begin.

    For more details, please see our General Terms and Conditions <- click here

What our customers say about us!

    • 8.10.2024
      Liebe Frau Rosenlechner-Palaz!
      Die Ahnentafel hat ihren passenden Platz gefunden im Stiegenaufgang unseres Hauses. Sie ist wirklich wunderschön. Herzlichen Dank!

      Liebe Grüße

    • 3.5.2023
      Schönen Abend Frau Rosenlechner,
      ich habe heute den Stammbaum erhalten und ich möchte mich recht herzlich bei Ihnen für die wunderschöne Arbeit bedanken.
      Vielen Dank für die freundliche Zusammenarbeit.
      Mit lieben Grüßen

    • Danke, wir haben riesen große Freude!

    • 18.10.2021

      Super Eva! Ganz tolle Arbeit.
      Vielen vielen Dank.

    • 25.6.2021

      Dear Mrs. Rosenlechner-Palaz, your work of the Hoferer family tree has arrived today! We were very excited and were already happy in anticipation. Our family tree done by you has fully met our expectations. The tree with its panels and the drawings placed on or in between give the picture a good balance and optic stability. We would like to thank you very much for your good work and wish well.


    • 18.7.2020

      Dear Mrs. Rosenlechner,
      Thank you very much once again for the great work. My father was defintely moved!

      Best wishes

    Wir in den Medien

    "Wie man auf prominente Vorfahren stoßen kann" - SN Bericht 21.1.2022 von Mag. Stefan Veigl

    Sie sind auf der Suche nach einem Geschenk?

    Ob Geburtstag, Hochzeitsfeier, Jubiläen - ein Stammbaum oder eine Ahnentafel sind für viele Anlässe  eine passende GESCHENKSIDEE.


    Martinimarkt Steinerkirchen

    Sa  8.11.2025
    So  9.11.2025

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